The role of local governments in the integration of refugees in the V4 countries
The Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants presents to your attention the analysis “The role of local governments in the integration of refugees in the V4 countries”
This analysis, developed in the framework of the V4NIEM project by authors from all four countries, endeavors to give an overview of the possibilities and limitations of local authorities in the topic of the integration of beneficiaries of international protection . It continues the comparative approach set by the project’s previous publication, “Asylum Seekers and Beneficiaries of International Protection in V4 Countries (Updated Report)”, issued in 2019. The focus is on local level policies related to beneficiaries of international protection. The “local” level is understood, most importantly, as municipal administration (LAU), however, reflections about the regional levels (NUTS2 and NUTS3) are also added where relevant.
The analysis is available online in English.