Sport as a tool for integration and social inclusion of refugees

We present to your attention an open call for proposals under the Erasmus+ programme of the EC: “Sport as a tool for integration and social inclusion of refugees”.

The specific objective of this action is to promote the direct engagement of refugees and host communities within the EU and to promote a Europe-wide approach, increasing the potential for European host communities to successfully engage and integrate refugees through sport.

The implementation of the preparatory action will take due regard to complementarity with the EU Erasmus+ Sport programme, with the actions eligible under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), as well as with those currently funded under the pilot project ‘promoting health-enhancing physical activity across Europe.’

A non-exhaustive list of the main activities eligible under this call for proposals is listed below:

  • Sport activities aimed at promoting participation of refugees into EU societies
  • Preparation and training of sport coaches and staff who will work on integration and social inclusion of refugees through sport
  • Development, of activities and identification of good practices about participation of refugees into sport activities aimed at their integration into host societies.

Deadline for applications: 16 june 2021

More information and application >>>