Refugee Integration in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants has developed under the project “Advocacy for Refugee Integration in Bulgaria”, financed by the UNHCR Representation in Bulgaria.

The platform offers access to user-friendly information resources facilitating the work of municipal staff and other stakeholders involved in the process of refugee integration.

The web site is developed with the support of experts from state institutions and non-governmental organizations working on refugee or humanitarian status holder integration.

The platform contains comprehensive information on the rights and obligations of beneficiaries of international protection, compiled on the basis of the legal regulatory framework and practice.

Sectors of integration

The process of integration of refugees includes sectors for social and economic integration. The sectors are interconnected and include both specific measures and access to rights, same to the Bulgarian citizens.

Targeted support

Stages of preparation, conclusion and implementation of an agreement for integration with refugees in accordance with the Ordinance on the terms and conditions for concluding, implementation and termination of the agreement for integration of foreigners granted asylum or international protection.

Sources of Funding

Съгласно Наредба за условията и реда за сключване, изпълнение и прекратяване на споразумение за интеграция на чужденците с предоставено убежище или международна закрила, източниците за финансиране на мерките по интеграция са:

Европейски фондове, като Фонд „Убежище, миграция и интеграция“, оперативни програми по Европейския социален фонд и Европейския фонд за регионално развитие, Фондът за европейско подпомагане на най-нуждаещите се лица и др.;

Международни и чуждестранни финансови инструменти като Норвежкия финансов механизъм и др.;

Международни институции и организации;

Национално финансиране.

Institutions and partners

Organizations, institutions and structures directly or indirectly involved in the process of integration of refugees. Information about their functions, programs and projects, and etc.

Information resources

Strategic information infrastructure, platforms and systems in support of experts working on the topic of refugee integration.

The Bulgarian Council for Refugees and Migrants has developed under the project ``Advocacy for the Integration of Refugees in Bulgaria``, funded by the UNHCR Office in Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian Council for Refugees and Migrants has developed under the project ``Advocacy for the Integration of Refugees in Bulgaria``, funded by the UNHCR Office in Bulgaria.
The Bulgarian Council for Refugees and Migrants has developed under the project ``Advocacy for the Integration of Refugees in Bulgaria``, funded by the UNHCR Office in Bulgaria.