Opening of a student competition for designing an integration activity for refugee children and implementing the winning project

On March 13, a student competition for designing an integration activity for refugee children and implementing the winning project was launched. The competition was opened by Mariana Tosheva – chairwoman of the State Agency for Refugees and a doctoral student at the University of St. Kliment Ohridski”, Dr. Kina Sabeva – Chairperson of the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and Prof. Siika Chavdarova – Kostova – Head of the Master’s Program “Social Work with Refugees and Migrants” at SU “St. Kliment Ohridski”.

Within the framework of the competition, students will have the opportunity to develop innovative projects for the integration and inclusion of children seeking or receiving international protection in Bulgaria. The competition requires the design of an activity from the scope of informal education for refugee and asylum-seeking children housed in the Registration Reception Center of the State Agency for Refugees in Sofia. The best project will be funded to be implemented by the author/team with refugee children housed in the reception and registration centres.

The student competition is organized within the framework of the implementation of the BCRM project “Advocacy for the Integration of Refugees in Bulgaria”, funded by UNHCR and is part of the strategic efforts to strengthen the relationship with the academic community on humanitarian topics and prepare the next generations of specialists to work with refugees.


Интеграцията на децата бежанци: предизвикателства, възможности и подходи (помощен материал, резработен от Мариана Тошева)