The Civil Society Sector in Support of Refugees from Ukraine: Challenges, Achievements and Opportunities

In the end of June, the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants and the United Nations High Commissioner organized a seminar – laboratory for cooperation: The civil sector in support of refugees from Ukraine. The seminar is a one-day meeting of representatives of various non-governmental organizations from the Black Sea region.

At the event, representatives of non-governmental organizations examined the possibilities for social inclusion and the prospects for integration of refugees from Ukraine, the role of non-governmental organizations and the opportunities for cooperation and partnership between civil society structures and other interested parties. At the seminar were policies at the national level, as well as funding opportunities for non-governmental organizations for the integration of refugees from Ukraine. The event was open both to organizations with experience in working with refugees, to volunteers, to organizations that can include refugees as a target group in existing projects or plan to include these groups in their future initiatives.

The event is part of the strategic efforts of the Bulgarian Council on Refugees and Migrants to develop the capacity for integration of refugees at the local level, focusing on cooperation between non-governmental organizations to be a reliable and reliable partner for municipalities and state institutions in the process of refugee integration.